Thursday, September 9, 2010


So for all of those who have not tried a spinning class... YOU ARE SO MISSING OUT!!!! It is an amazing class. Did you know you can burn up to 800 cals and hr!!! Even more if you are fat!!! Hallelujah! I am just going to say that I could not walk up the stairs for 3 days without saying ouch!!! Down was worse and words were said that should not be repeated. But I loved every min of it. It was a fun and energetic class. Now when you get off the bike you will feel like you are going to fall over. My legs didn't know what to do!! But it was all so worth it! Even the bruised butt bone!! So there now you know that spin is an amazing workout and you should all try it!



  1. Oooo, I have been wanting to try it. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.

  2. I love it too. But I do not love the bruised butt!
