Wednesday, February 17, 2010


A: 5:30 AM... Two alarms go off at once. One blaring JaiHo and the other blaring Poker Face. Both alarms are dismissed.
5:40 AM... the 3rd alarm of the morning goes off blaring Kiss and Tell, again it is dismissed.
5:50 AM... the alarm once again blaring "RA MA RA MA MA, RA MA RA MA MA" finally gets me out of bed. There is nothing like Lady GaGa in the morning to welcome me to Hell.
6:01 AM... K texts me to make sure that I am out of bed, at this point if I'm not up she will be calling me until I get up.
6:10 AM... Shake my fanny in a warm up to my DDR Remixed Mix.
6:28 AM... Leave for the Gym a few minutes late and try and convince K that there was traffic and make no mention of my DDR warm up.
7:05 AM... K tries to kill me.
7:40 AM... PAIN. Excruciating pain and still having to get through my shower routine so I don't look like a scum bag at work.
K: 6:00 AM... Alarm goes off.
6:01 AM... Text A and tell her to get up.
6:01-6:15 AM... Dress for gym and pack bag.
6:15 AM... Lock up house and Pray my car starts
6:20 AM... Thank God(no really, I prayed in gratitude) my car started
6:21 AM... Jam out to DDR Mix A made... make no mention to A whatsoever...
6:40 AM... Text A to see if she has her butt in gear yet...
6:45 AM... Meet A and enter HELL
7:00 AM... Start to kill A.
7:05 AM... Tell A, I am serious we ARE doing that many lunges.
7:15 AM... Tell A... yes I'm serious if your feet touch the ground you will start over.
7:40 AM... Revive A and tell her to stop crying and looking like a scum bag so we can go to work.

K & A:
7:40 to 8:05 AM... Cry in the locker room of hell because we can't move.
8:45 AM... head to the market to get fruit, healthy and hellish when eaten alone...
8:55 AM... go to work... try not to walk like ducks the rest of the day.

Moral of the story... PAIN, LOTS AND LOTS OF PAIN.

K: "This is the purgatory we must put ourselves in because we have lived gluttonous lives for the past 10 something years."
A: "Good thing we are friends... I hate you right now."


  1. Good for you!!! Anything before 7:30 in the morning sounds hellish to me these days. You are amazing. You had better update often. I will be cheering you on and hopefully joining you after this baby.

    P.S. you never look like a scum bag!

  2. That comment was from Kate. Kent never comments on blogs for future knowledge.

  3. haha. You guys seriously KILL me! Thank you. And remember as you get fit I get fat.. I wave as I pass you ;)
